LamX 램쓰 had been installed at Asia Culture Center in Gwangju, Korea during ISEA2019, 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art. I'm honored to participate the exhibition with many famous artists from the world. LamX successfully presented its positive message to visitors from all around the world. It was pleasant time to be an artist there and watch visitors to play with LamX.
Light . Joy . Playground
광주 국립아시아문화전당 Asia Culture Center
문화창조원 복합5관 2019년 6월 22일 - 7월 28일
문화창조원 복합5관 2019년 6월 22일 - 7월 28일
ISEA2019 Special Exhibition - Lux Aeterna 룩스 아테나 - 영원한 빛
25th International Symposium on Electronic Art
25th International Symposium on Electronic Art
ISEA2019 계기 기획특별전 Special Exhibition
Hosted/Organized by 아트센터 나비 Art Center Nabi (http://www.nabi.or.kr/page/board_view.php?brd_idx=1009&brd_id=project)
Sponsored by 과학기술정보통신부, 한국과학창의재단, 주한 프랑스대사관, 주한 프랑스문화원, 일본국제교류기금 서울문화센터
Partners - ISEA2019, ISEA International
Hosted/Organized by 아트센터 나비 Art Center Nabi (http://www.nabi.or.kr/page/board_view.php?brd_idx=1009&brd_id=project)
Sponsored by 과학기술정보통신부, 한국과학창의재단, 주한 프랑스대사관, 주한 프랑스문화원, 일본국제교류기금 서울문화센터
Partners - ISEA2019, ISEA International
Related News
(In Korean)
Participating Artists
Nelo Akamatsu
Maurice Benayoun, Tobias Klein, Nicolás Mendoza
Cached Collective (Vytautas Jankauskas, Jon Flint, Felipe de Souza, Aline Martinez, Joana Mateus, Clément Bouttier, Ryan Dzelzkalns)
Jean-Philippe Côté
Rebecca Cummins, Paul Demarinis
Przemyslaw Jasielski
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Gustavo Rincon, Kon Hyong Kim, Andrés Cabrera
Ryoichi Kurokawa
Han Lee
João Martinho Moura
Timo Niemeyer
María Molina Peiró
Tiare Ribeaux, Jody Stillwater
Arno Deustchbauer, Herwig Scherabon, Lukas Fliszar, Michael Ari
Goh Uozumi
David Young
Maurice Benayoun, Tobias Klein, Nicolás Mendoza
Cached Collective (Vytautas Jankauskas, Jon Flint, Felipe de Souza, Aline Martinez, Joana Mateus, Clément Bouttier, Ryan Dzelzkalns)
Jean-Philippe Côté
Rebecca Cummins, Paul Demarinis
Przemyslaw Jasielski
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Gustavo Rincon, Kon Hyong Kim, Andrés Cabrera
Ryoichi Kurokawa
Han Lee
João Martinho Moura
Timo Niemeyer
María Molina Peiró
Tiare Ribeaux, Jody Stillwater
Arno Deustchbauer, Herwig Scherabon, Lukas Fliszar, Michael Ari
Goh Uozumi
David Young
LamX is an interactive light artwork that simulates the light talking to you. Physical light bulbs with digital light waves make a mixed reality and unique environment. It is a delightful dialogue, an aesthetic scene, and a beautiful moment. When redefining the light in the artistic language, Lee was interested in how light spreads out and fills the air when it slows down. With the question “How does light interact when considered a living creature?”, LamX was given a personality which is shown through the choreography of lighting.
When interacting with LamX, the light leads and follows the viewer wherever one goes. It is positive and waiting to play with humans. It calls and invites the viewer to the playground and shelter. Lee often brings rain into his artwork as a sample of immersive sound and dynamic reactions. Rain to him symbolizes the power of life that comes alive by its movement. Rain fills the air emotionally like a light. He borrowed it, the result making the analog emotions of light richer. He uses round and line which are 0 and 1, as primary graphic elements. The binary codes are aligned with wires, light bulbs, and ripples. LamX also has two light shows full of emotional scenes and story-telling. Each is a 7min-length unique light show that performs at a certain time with motion graphics, lightings, and motivating emotional music that has been composed and performed by Lee.
Lux Aeterna (Eternal Light)
A topic inspired by the literal meaning of the host city Gwangju, “City of Light”, includes subcategories embracing complex themes that allow open interpretations in culture, science, and history. For example, religiously, light implies divinity and immortality. Scientifically, it is an energy collection of particles and wavelength signals. It symbolizes the enlightenment and rationale in humanities. Also, the presence of light creates Umbra and Penumbra. In light of the fact that light is the most specific example of versatility in which various interpretations can occur, it will provide us with the context where cohesion of procedural logic based on the human sensibilities and technology of artistic inspirations is freely presented, which is in line with what ISEA has been pursuing.
Below video shows you overview of the special exhibition including my artwork. The video is presented by art center nabi.